About the writer, the spiritual guide, Hilde Plasman :
Born in Belgium, on the west coast, near the French border.
My life is a “university life” because of my experience of imminent death over 30 years ago with the study of books, writings, conferences, workshops, seminars, retreats, etc …
I was born out of a couple who loved each other deeply. A very good example.
My studies begin with Martin Gray: “For Those I Loved” and then followed many other authors: Sri Aurobindo – Rudolf Steiner – Krishnamurti – Bhagavad Gita – Sai Baba – Blavatsky – Deepak Shopra – Eckhart Tolle – Carl Jung – Paul Ferrini – The TAO – Osho – Ho’oponopono – The Secret – the Alchimist – the Buddhist, yoga, Thai Chi, Qi Gong, Sjamanism, Kundalini, Maya, Nirvana, Ayurveda, Kabbala etc…
All religions, sects, groups, scriptures, teachings, etc. have the same “Origin”. All kinds of names, civilizations, but THE “Origin” IS and remains unchanged and has no name, “IT” is what “IS”.
There is “some-thing” that is “no-thing”, out of which “Every-thing” arises, all “REAL Wise” human speaks about, deep within ourselves in connection with everything and everyone around us.
Find “IT” back is the highest message !
“IT” is why we are here, NOW.
“IT” is simply MIRACULOUS to experience and to LIVE THROUGH, here and now into eternity Amen.
Never get stuck in one road, be Open to all around us in life, Now, at this moment, it is for this we are Alive, to capture information at all times, to “Be Enlightened”!
When we are stuck on a single road, a group, a sect, a religion, etc. We are blind and deaf, we are no longer “OPEN” to see and hear “IT”.
“Being Open” is the slogan, Cosmic Consciousness, without any kind of prejudice, in the OPEN position to “capture” the information of “IT”, THE “Grace from on above”.
“To BE or not to BE, that’s the question.”
My life is “Alice in Wonderland” and “Chocolate” (with Juliette Binoche).
Hilde Plasman – I DID “IT” MY WAY !
TM – Transcendental Meditation.
Having passed the portal automatically, natural I have the “gift” to guide people to go through “IT”….
For participation or help Info: i.p@telenet.be